Movie reviews

Hubie Halloween Review


If your looking for a new Halloween movie to watch on Netflix maybe you have seen Hubie Halloween. Well if your wondering if you should I have a couple thoughts on it to see if it’s worth your time.

With Adam Sandler movies you seem to get one of two choices. Eather its laugh out loud funny and a comic classic ,or it’s just stupid and one of the worst movies ever made. Hubie Halloween is more the second type. I felt like it wasn’t even that funny. It did seem like it was saposed to be a spoof of popular Halloween movies, but I couldn’t really tell. It just felt like a bunch of random happenings that maybe told a story abut Halloween while Adam Sandler and his friends made inside jokes. It’s a waste of time and at 103 minutes your better off finding a real Halloween movie to watch.


My Top 5 Favorite Halloween Candy

S. Samek

Happy Halloween! Whats a better way to celebrate Halloween then with some candy. Theres tons of candy to chose from and not all of it is created equal.

In fact I found a list that has each state’s most popular Halloween candy on it. Skittles was the number one candy in the most states, according to the list.

While Skittles are pretty good, I don’t think I would put them on my list. I think I’d prefer chocolate candy more.

Anywhere heres my top five favorite candy that I would most want in my orange pumpkin bucket.

5. Reese’s peanut Butter Cup

4. Milky Way

3. M&Ms

2. 3 musketeers

1.Kit Kat



2019 Halloween Costumes

S. Samek

Halloween is fast approaching and I bet your wondering what would be the best costume to dress up in. Well we have you covered just like we did last year with plenty of ideas for costumes sure to fit anyone’s tastes.

The first category of costume I think i’ll go with is movies.

The first in the movie suggestions is going to be anything from the new IT. I will be seeing plenty of Pennywise this season,maybe even a few Georgie. Just grab your clown makeup and red balloons and you should be good too go.

Another movie I think will be popular is Captain Marvel, or the Avengers. With both of them doing really well, I feel a lot of people will still wear any of thse costumes. Plus it makes for a pretty easy group idea.

If your into DC comics instead try the Joker. With the release of his movie and all the hype and controversy around it I fell like Jokers are going to be popping up everywhere.  With many different Joker options theres plently for everyone to be different and not oversaturate the market with just ones from the new movie.

Toy Story is another movie with plenty of costume ideas. With plenty of toys from all four movies to chose from you’re bound to find one you like, bonus points if you go as the aliens those are probably my pick of the best Toy Story costume.

For Tv my  pick is Stranger Things. Theres  many options for bth single and group costumes from this show and with season three being released a few months ago, now is a good time to binge this series.

Video games are other popular costume idea. I would say Fortnite and Pokemon are going to be the go -to  in my opinion.

Fortnite just made some news with its blackout and  has remained popular to this day. I saw a lot of different character options for this game the other day when I was out shopping. My favorite has to be loot llama.

Pokemon has Sword and Shield coming out soon. With hundreds of Pokemon to choose from as well as just being a trainer, ther is plently of chances to rock a Pokemon costume.

If your looking for even more costume ideas a quick online search is your friend. Yet the ones I covered are my picks for some of the most popular costumes for 2019.



Amusement parks, Holidays

Fright Night Review

S. Samek

No doubt if you have followed the blog, you have seen my love of roller coasters and amusment parks. This is a post about that, but something a little different.
No, I’m going to discuss a new ride, or rank any new coasters. I ‘m however going to talk about a new experience.
The other night we visited Kennywood park to experience Phantom Fright Nights. This is the Halloween event for the park. The last time I went was over 10 years ago, making this only the second time I’d gone to this event.
The basic premise is set up like any other parks event. There are a few rides and a bunch of mazes where they try to scare you.
As far as rides went it was a pretty solid lineup with each of the major coasters running. However, the order of the night wasn’t really rides. Though we did take the time to get night rides on Phantom’s Revenge and Aero 360. Phantom ran fast and furious and was as fun as always. Aero ran well and fun as well.
Which leds us into the mazes. We had the opportunity to hit four of the mazes.
The first of which was Mortem Manor. This was the classic spooky house. It was a good warmup with some good scares. It just wasn’t the best.
The second maze we hit was the cemetery. This is another classic themed maze. It’s a bit on the lighter side as far as scares go. It was probably the 2nd, or third best maze we went through depending on the thoughts of the manor.

The third maze we did was called Dark Shadows. Now this one threw us for a loop. It was set up in kiddieland and had a que line filled with lights and up beat music. Nope as we exited the lines we were met with darkness. That’s what made this one a lot scarier. You just couldn’t really see anything. We kind of let the fact that it was located in kiddieland bait us into false security and payed for it. This was the scariest of the night for sure.
The final maze we hit up was Voodoo Bayou. This one had a lot of potential and an awesome theme with snakes, swamp monsters, witch doctors and more. Yet it wasn’t scarry. There weren’t many actors in the maze to scare you. So, while the maze was cool to look at, it was the worst of the night for being scarry. Didn’t help that the line for this maze was the longest.
Overall it was a fun and scarry night. I felt like there were plenty of different mazes and themes to scare just about anyone. I know I did get cought quite a few times.
My only regret was not going though the vampire themed maze. However, this maze always had a big line, so my guess is it’s the most popular one. It would have been cool, but it’s not a huge disappointment to miss it.
I would absolutely go back to Fright night. I did really enjoy it, even being not the biggest horror movie fan. Like I said it offers some thing for everyone in rides, mazes and even food. Check it out for some Halloween fun if you’re in the area.


2018 Popular Halloween Costumes

S. Samek

Last year we went over some of the most popular Halloween costumes. I think we can check out whats hot for 2018.

I think super heroes will continue to be popular. With the likes of Black Panther, Avengers Infinity War and Incredibles 2 all doing really well at the box office, it shows supers aren’t slowing down anytime soon. This is a great costume idea for groups and individuals. So, there are lots of cool heroes to pick if this is the way you want to go.

I think Overwatch and Fortnite costumes will be popular as well. These have been the year’s biggest video games. These both have many character options making it easy to get in on the trend with your favorite champion.

Costumes from the movie It I feel will be popular as well. Yep prepare for another year of clowns running around.

Nightmare before Christmas is also going to be popular. It’s the 25th anniversary of the movie. So, don’t be surprised to see a lot of Jack and Sally running around this year.

Riverdale, I think will be the most popular Tv show costume. The series seems to have replaced Stanger Things as this year’s most popular show.

As far as costumes I can see not being popular I have a couple. I don’t think it’s a good year for horror movies. Sure, I’m sure a Freddy, or Jason will be making an appearance, but not in the volume of say IT.

Ghost busters and Five Night’s at Freddy’s I think will see a drop in the number of costumes too. Five nights just isn’t as popular as it used to be and Fortnite should cut into the bandwagon from the game. Ghost busters, while a cool classic just isn’t really doing anything to stand out as far as relevancy.

As far as the classics such as monsters go I’m not sure. Being that they are classics they do have staying power. Yet I could also see them passed over for more recent pop culture trend costumes.

Should be fun to see what people dress up as for Halloween and to see if my thoughts where accurate on the subject.


Halloween Candy


Trick or treat is a major part of Halloween and with it comes lots of candy. Yet some candy ranks better than others. Granted most of the time the excitement to get a lot of treats outweighs what the treats are. Let’s dive into the worst and best of Halloween goodies.


Starting with the bad.

I felt this list was very accurate.

Among the picks were all flavors of tootsie rolls, Almond Joys, black Licorice, candy corn and more. Each one leaving a nasty taste in the mouth and you cursing the house that gave it to you.

I think I would like to add a few to the list. First would be mounds, those things are similar to almond joy and just nasty.

The second addition would be good n plenty. These things are essentially a worse version of black licorice. So nasty and I often remember getting a dunk of them.

Third would be little hugs drinks. I used to get those and chips like it was the only candy available. First thing is it isn’t candy and second if you got a flavor you didn’t like, which to me was all of them except orange you were sunk. I remember being sunk a lot with lots of reds and purples.

Off brand chocolate was also often times less than desirable. You know the stuff that comes in cute Halloween wrappers like monsters and vampires and whatnot, but isn’t Hershey’s or Mars and you eat it and it just tastes bad. Yep best to avoid those if you can.


Here’s a list of acceptable alternatives.

M&M’s top the list and I coun’t agree more. With so many flavors, it’s hard to find one that won’t be a favorite. That is if you stick to the basic ones like plane, or peanut even pretzel, or peanut butter.

Twix taste good too weather right or left. Reese’s peanut butter cups are another great peanut butter and chocolate mix.

If you don’t like chocolate try sour patch kids, or Swedish fish. These are quality gummy candy offerings. Star Bursts also make for a great chewy candy pick. Just save me all the red ones. The original set is great, but there are also many flavor options for variety.

No matter what your picks for favorite candy are be sure to enjoy some this Halloween. I think I would pick Kit Kat bars as my favorite to enjoy.


Holidays, tv

Halloween Tv Specials


In the mood to watch something scary don’t have a ton of time to do so? Fear not because there are plenty of shows with great Halloween themed episodes. Here are some of my top picks.

My first pick would be the show Supernatural. It’s become kind of my new obsession show. Either way if you’re a fan of ghosts, spirits, demons, or any other spooky creature there is an episode for you. Each episode lasts about an hour and there’s 12 full seasons, along with a 13th that just premiered. Lots to watch.

Second would be a blast from the past in Even Stevens. Louis Stevens’ has the best costume ever and plans to spread holiday mischief. However, it becomes a great chase with a crazy twist ending.

Speaking of mischief my third suggestion has a lot of that. Sick of Trick or treating the rocket power gang decides to join up with Eddie Prince of the Netherworld to play pranks on mischief night. Yet with a police crackdown on Halloween pranks this may not have been the best move.

Boy Meets World has an episode called Then there was Shon. In it the gang gets stuck at school while chasing down a killer. Its equally part scary and funny.

The Simpsons Treehouse of horror I wouldn’t miss either. With over 20 season worth of episodes to watch its always neat to see what they have in store.

Stranger Things is also a popular pick. Season is now available on DVD and season two premiers on October 27th. I can’t wait to actually get a chance to watch this.

Hopefully you found something enjoyable on this list. There are plenty of other solid Tv specials worth watching to celebrate Halloween as well.

Holidays, Movie reviews

Top Five Halloween Movies


Note I’m not a fan of horror movies so this list won’t have any of those on them. These movies are picked based on ones I always have to watch during the mouth of October. If you’re looking for more on scary/horror options select them here.


5.It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.


4.Adams Family Values.


3.Nightmare Before Christmas.




1.Dark Shadows.

